So, now I've tried a couple of things. A bit of drawing, animating a ball using the different tweening methods. All I can say is that I gotta lay down som work hours on this since I'm not used to the interface and don't really have an effective workflow.. But I guess that's something that will develop as long as I keep working with Flash.
Gotta admit though, drawing in flash isn't quite the same as say.. drawing in PhotoShop. At first I was kinda linke "Ewww". But, I'm getting a little more used to it by now :)
Gotta admit though, drawing in flash isn't quite the same as say.. drawing in PhotoShop. At first I was kinda linke "Ewww". But, I'm getting a little more used to it by now :)
You are not alone with not liking flash drawing... :/ But guess we'll overcome!
ReplyDeleteBtw. I managed to create myself twice in your "followers" gadget. I dont know which one is the newest one. But the newest one is the real one. :P So feel free to delete the other one. Or both, and I can just "follow" again.
I'll check it out :p