Thursday, September 10, 2009

Case 01 - pt. 2

So, as I said, I'm supposed to design a character for a flash game. I really don't have any idea yet of how the animation process works, and because of that I feel a litte unsecure about how to draw the character.
The only thing I know is that each movable part is supposed to go a layer of it's own, but apart from that I don't really know if there is anything I should do - or try to avoid.

Well, now I've started to make the base of the character with some simple shading. What I've done is that I've imported the concept art of the character to flash and by using the pen tool traced the drawing, with each bodypart on a different layer. The head on one, the torso on another and so forth.
The only annoying thing is that flash seem to work in it's own pace, sometimes it cooperates and other times it doesn't... wich can be frustrating, probably it's only my own fault. With some practice hopefully I'll master more stuff :)

Here's a litte sneakpeek of what I'm working with so far:

The one to the left is the concept drawn in PhotoShop, and the other one is drawn in Flash.


  1. Both the concept and the fleshed out character done in Flash is pretty awesome to be honest, I admire your skills with that god damn Pen Tool. Wish I could do the same, I'll practice.

    You've got the drawing down now, just need to finish up the symbols and bone-structure. Good job though, Erlend. :)

  2. Nice work on the character there. Liked it from the first second I saw it :P
    Hope you can animate him to be just as cool inn-game
